mercredi 24 janvier 2024

Un cliché très parisien


quelques minutes auparavant, dans le jardin des Tuileries, j'avais pensé, en dépit des douleurs et des angoisses, que malgré tout, c'était bien d'être là, par ce temps froid et sec, encore vivant, encore mobile, encore capable de voir et de ressentir. J'avais aussi songé à cette amie de jeunesse qui ressemblait alors à un portrait du peintre préraphaelite Dante Gabriel Rossetti et je m'étais demandé, si à l'époque, ou plus tard, quelqu'un lui en avait déjà fait la remarque. Et puis j'ai vu cette scène, et j'ai eu envie, le temps de traverser le pont, d'être touriste dans ma propre ville

16 commentaires:

  1. Wonderful image! I know the feeling. I used to have moments like that in San Francisco.

  2. I love the concept of being a tourist in my own city.

  3. Going bananas? Fantastic Street Photography! I love it.

  4. A tourist in your own city sounds like fun. Nice photo!

  5. Beautiful photo. And such a great reminder to the thankful for the little things we overlook, which are in fact the large things that matter most.

  6. A very impressive structure. Nice gathering round the street vendor.

  7. It is very good for the soul to be a tourist in one's own city. There is a Rembrandt painting that looks like my daughter. A friend sent it to me on her travels. Quite uncanny. And as I've seen photos (and met 1) of my dopplegangers, I believe there are only so many ways a human face can get put together....

  8. I love being a tourist in my city!

  9. beautiful image in Paris. I was there years ago and would have liked to have visited again. Being a tourist in your own city is a great thing. Enjoy your week. I am joining you at My Corner of the World linkup.

  10. A beautiful photo and being a tourist in your own city can be a great thing! Thank you for linking up.

  11. I often look at my city like a tourist, and if I am in a playful mood I ask the locals for information... 99% of the times they go out of their way to be friendly and helpful. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best meme.


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