dimanche 22 août 2021

Au pied de la lettre (2)

au cours de mes récentes pérégrinations parisiennes j'ai trouvé d'autres représentations d'expressions françaises, sur les murs de la ville. De gauche à droite "pendre au nez", "se serrer la ceinture" et "porter le chapeau", ce qui signifie pour mes amis anglophones "it's hanging over you", "belt-tightening"  et enfin "take the blame" or "take the fall". 
Linked with colourful world

9 commentaires:

  1. Fascinating!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. It's amazing how realism can be manipulated. Stunning vintage inspired art.

  3. Oh? Didn´t know "porter le chapeau" has THAT meaning. Can you give a background?

  4. Those are wonderful. I love murals, I hate graffiti. Thanks for the explanations.

  5. I like the vintage like feel. Lovely and thanks for the translating the idiomatic expressions.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Kwarkito.

  6. Super cool murals Kwarkito, I do think that belt (corset) may be pulled a little too tight 😉


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