lundi 5 décembre 2022

Chanter dans le chemin

Le ciel n’est plus une espérance,
mais seulement une expectative.
L’enfer n’est plus une condamnation, 
mais seulement un vide.

Désormais l’homme ne se sauve ni ne se perd :
Simplement parfois il chante dans le chemin.
Roberto Juarroz in Poésie verticale

11 commentaires:

  1. That's a nice scene. It's a lovely poem (as it translated online for me). I like the first line, "There you go..." as a final say, that's that, here's how it is.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing with Nature Notes. I love seeing the green in your photo as it is very white and snowy here in New York State......Michelle

  3. Your "Voila" does fit in quite well. I love the picture.

  4. Beautiful. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ☺

  5. Intriguing thoughts here!

    best… mae at

  6. Ohhh, je ne connaissais pas du tout ces vers de Juarroz, je me régale, muchas gracias !


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