mardi 2 avril 2013


c'est l'histoire de l'optimiste et du pessimiste. Le pessimiste regarde autour de lui et dit "c'est affreux le monde est terrible, ça ne peut pas être pire", et l'optimiste lui répond "mais si.. mais si"

19 commentaires:

  1. Alors, je suis une grande optimiste!!!

  2. to see them so amiable in the top photo and then to see the second and one thinks, oh yes...of course....

  3. En paraphrasant Kennedy: Ask not what life can do for you – ask yourself what you can do for your life

  4. Ou plutôt: Ask not what the world can do for you – ask what you can do for the world

  5. ...what happen to the third little piggy, did the big bad wolf eat him?

  6. Love your first photo. Now I feel a bit guilty that I enjoy bacon...

  7. Human being is a funny thing. We look at piggies and we think: 'they're so cuuuute', in our heads we skip the part of killing them as in the second picture, then we see picture of breakfast and think : 'oh, I looove this becon with eggs'...

  8. Those two in your first photo are cute. They are so cute I would like to invite them for dinner.

  9. Cute little creatures. This reminds me when I was working at local slaughterhouse. I was there to clean up the mess after killing. Something I don´t miss. But yeah, been there done that.

  10. Everything is eventually eaten by something... Besides, the piggies are safe. Those guys are hanging cows.

  11. Hello,
    Love the cute piggies. I always think things could be worse, trying to look on the bright side.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  12. Optimism is pretty hard to manage these days!

    best… mae at

  13. Cute.. ..and not so cute anymore... a real life story

  14. Optimists and pessimists are not mutually exclusive. They thrive off each other.

  15. I'm am optimist. I'm happy about it too. What if...what if... indeed.

    Bacon please.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥


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