lundi 1 juillet 2024

Comme si de rien n'était

dimanche soir, à Avignon, sur la petite place du cloître, si charmante.
Comme si rien ne s'était passé.

8 commentaires:

  1. Your election and our treacherous Supreme Court. The world is insane.

  2. En d'autres circonstances, dîner là doit être un rêve.
    Doit-on craindre le pire?

  3. The world is showing it's very disappointing colours (I'm still a bit disillusioned by our referendum vote...A news person referred to us as a racist country and everyone got angry at her. So we don't even own what we are. There's a wilful disconnect in thought and action. However, in much happier news, I have a mission for you. I want you to go here and take lots and lots of photos for me (for your blog).

  4. I don't know why that link didn't work. If you're worried it's at Le Moulin Jaune on his FB page too. (I'm paranoid about viruses and scames after a gazillion data breaches)

  5. How lovely, and what happy memories it brings me of our last trip in France a dozen years ago (how time flies!). We stopped in Avignon, of course. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme

    1. (It is always constructive to find little pockets of serenity and sanity, a little cloister of nonchalance, a protected corner of peace in which to find refuge and pretend the rest of our disintegrating world is far away and doesn't involve us - maybe we can then weather the storm and find strength to survive when we have to confront the bitter reality) NixPixMix


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