vendredi 18 août 2023

Heures disparues

"Il avait la nostalgie d'un temps passé et non d'un lieu, d'une géographie faite d'heures disparues dans des rues qui n'existaient plus, attendant sur le seuil de maisons démolies depuis des années ou dans des cafés qui avaient depuis longtemps troqué leurs boiseries et leur marbre contre des murs tapissés de glaces ou de formica." Alberto Manguel in "Tous les hommes sont menteurs" 

14 commentaires:

  1. Mucha nostalgia hay en ese texto y una buena fotografía en blanco y negro, te ha servido para acompañar ese buen texto.
    Feliz fin de semana.


  3. Mona Lisa is on the facade of the building on the left. I always look for Mona Lisa in unexpected places.
    best, mae at

  4. Fascinating to look at the same street corner at it changed over time. Everything seems different in the newer photo, but the older one seems a more inviting place. Beautiful comparison.

  5. Great composition. Things change and time changes

  6. Sad but inevitable, most times not for the best. Nostalgia is good

  7. When I was a young man, my favorite restaurant was called The Iron Pot. It was on Montgomery Street in San Francisco. It was full of paintings by starving artists. The bar was full of tired businessmen. I could take a date and we would both have a delightful dinner (including a marvelous minestrone), and, in spite of being underage, a couple of cocktails. The waiters were old and a bit noisy- Sometimes they'd refill a water glass that was already full. But I might spend as much as 10 dollars, including a tip! Those were the days. There's a big ugly building there now, so I'm glad I live hundreds of miles away. But I can still see it, hear it, and love it in my mind.

  8. Nostalgia is a funny thing. People often romanticize the past, a perhaps they ignored the bad things because they were so young and vibrant themselves.

  9. ...times change, but not always for the better!

  10. Photographs don't lie but their interpretations may.


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