dimanche 25 juin 2023

Sculpture murale

c'étair à Funchal, sur l'ile de Madère. Est-ce à cause de la chaleur accablante qui pèse sur Paris — au point que je suis resté toute la journée enfermé chez moi, les volets clos — ou bien en raison d'un soudain coup de nostalgie pour cette île si merveilleuse ? Quoi qu'il en soit, je me suis souvenu de cette sculpture murale à hauteur d'enfant aperçue une fin d'après-midi dans une ruelle, alors que j'étais à la recherche d'une bouteille d'eau.
shared with Monday Murals - Pictorial tuesday

6 commentaires:

  1. The weather is exceptional in so many places. We feel privileged because it’s been very nice lately, and not too hot, though we could use more rain. I hope you get some relief from the heat soon.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. ...I like their hair. We are going into a heat wave, I miss spring.

  3. It is a stunning sculpture portraits

  4. That is a wonderful work you found! Many Hawaii people trace their roots back to Madeira

  5. I love that--- the face on the right appears to have a chin decoration like an ancient Pharaoh.

  6. Very quirky and unusual sculpture. I haven't been to the island of Madeira, we usually go to the Azores islands as my husband was born there, his younger brother lives there and some other family. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Kwarkito. I didn't think Paris would get that hot! We are having our first very cold week of winter with temperatures down to 3C , max 13C.


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