dimanche 11 septembre 2022

Une illusion de Vietnam

il existe à Aix-en-Provence, un restaurant, Dakao situé au centre ville dont le décor, donne l'impression d'une rue vietnamienne et se révèle tout à fait réussi et surprenant. Dans l'une des salles ce très beau portrait a aussi particulièrement retenu mon attention.

Dans les mois à venir, gagné peut-être par la nostalgie de ce séjour passé entre Aix et Marseille, ou parce que soudain me paraîtra nécessaire d'écrire quelque chose à propos du Vietnam (un souvenir familial qui sait ?), il est vraisemblable que je publierai d'autre images de cet endroit.
(shared with Monday murals -

6 commentaires:

  1. Nice Vietnamese image. I definitely look forward to seeing how you treat Vietnam in upcoming posts. I know what Americans thought of it and how it polarized our country.

  2. French memories of Vietnam are so distant now — we had a friend who owned some faded watercolors of Vietnamese farmers, which she had inherited from a relative who was there in colonial times. All so long ago. These images make me think of her apartment where we often visited.

    ALso, I think of Vietnamese Americans whose families came here a generation ago (or more) and who now write very interesting novels about identity and conflicted self. But also restaurants!

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  3. What a fabulous idea!! I love it. I have many memories of news reports about the "French Indochina War" concurrent with the Korean "Police Action". I'm not sure why I paid much attention when I was 8 or 9, but I did. I hope you will have more pictures of this place.

  4. That portrait looks beautiful. Hope you enjoyed your holidays in the south of France, it's a lovely area. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Kwarkito.


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