dimanche 20 mars 2022


ces commerces qu'on appelle ongleries, ont, ces dernières années, proliféré dans les rues de Paris. Certes j'avais bien remarqué que nombre de filles et de femmes étaient affublées de faux ongles, ou d'ongles décorés, mais je n'imaginais pas que cela pût à ce point constituer une niche commerciale, comme les salons de coiffure, par exemple. Je pensais que les histoires d'ongles se réglaient dans les salons de beauté, qu'une manucure s'en chargeait. Quoi qu'il en soit, une de ces échoppes est apparue dans le voisinage. J'aime bien sa devanture et surtout  sur ce visage dessiné, la coiffure constituée de fleurs (artificielles sans doute) situées à l'extérieur, au-dessus de la vitrine. 
Pour combien de temps encore, l'Epoque nous accordera-t-elle l'illusoire privilège de la futilité ?
shared with Monday mural - 

9 commentaires:

  1. ...our 18 year old granddaughter is here for a family dinner and she has long designer nails!

  2. Like you, I'm surprised the nail salons have created quite a niche in our society. There are several in my neighborhood, but they don't have the lovely murals this one has. I especially like the nails on the door.

  3. Nail salons have proliferated here in the US since the 1970s. It's a sociological phenomenon that Vietnamese women have dominated as nail technicians -- at least half of the nail salon workers are Vietnamese, and much more in California. This is reflected in a number of books and TV shows.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. It looks fashionable with beautiful nail colours.
    A cool mural!
    Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful mural, the hype though... it´s beyond me.

  6. Since the beginning of time, men of a certain age have always been baffled by the temporary fashion choices of younger women. True elegance always shines through, though.

  7. Nails are relishing all of this added attention. And the owners are enjoying not having to fiddle with the brushes themselves! This is a great capture of current culture

  8. I can't understand how they so many nail salons make money. I certainly don't use them as just that smell of the products makes me sick.
    Love the mural and the "flowers' in the hair. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Kwarkito.


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