jeudi 10 juin 2021

Ça c'est Paris

je me suis promené cet après-midi sur les bords de Seine, la température estivale, faisant oublier ce triste mois de mai qui fut le plus froid depuis 2013. J'ai pris cette vue très couleur locale, insouciante, presque intemporelle, conforme aux clichés que l'on se fait de la vie parisienne. Sur les quais, les guinguettes sont ouvertes, les gens prennent des pots, font du sport, se baladent en vélo, déambulent nonchalamment s'étreignent. Une apparente douceur de vivre qui hélas ne parvient pas à me faire oublier le climat politique nauséabond qui règne sur ce pays. (Linked with skywatch friday - Paris in July)

18 commentaires:

  1. It does look carefree. Sorry about the political climate, we have similar issues in the US.

  2. ...ah Paris, the city of lovers! Spread some love around.

  3. Nice place for picnic IMHO. Nice street photography!

  4. It's good you got out. I don't feel qualified to comment on your political situation-- I'm consumed by our own, except that it's a cultural situation more than a political one. The picture is full of life.

  5. on dirait que tout est en ordre . on dirait...

  6. Je pense que nous allons atteindre des sommets, mais de quoi...?
    Le plus triste dans l'affaire, c'est qu'il en est de même dans la plupart des pays.

  7. You say it's a cold May, we are in Winter, it's been very mild so far, not cold at all.

  8. Greetings and Salutations! It has been in the 90s here for two weeks. Today, we had a farmer's rain. We heard thunder and lightning in the distance. Sticky, muggy weather happened after it stopped raining. Looks like folks are enjoying being outside together again.

  9. As an American, I've loved Paris all my adult life without having to worry about the political climate. Quite an advantage!

    best... mae at

  10. Politics around the world seem to be really messed up. Too much hate everywhere.

  11. Bonjour Kwarkito. Thankyou for linking with Paris in July again. I love your real and in the moment images of Paris. This image is really one that we imagine Paris is really like all the time...

  12. I always enjoy the posts you share with Paris in July. Your photography is always lovely.

  13. Thank you for sharing such a lovely image. I think that the political reality being different from the idealised images is something that can be related to in several countries around the world right now. I look forward to seeing more of your images

  14. Glorious! The politics---with its awful hatred of the Other and constant dissension---I avoid.


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