dimanche 16 mai 2021

Où aller maintenant ?

un poème de Paul Celan
"Mais voici que rétrécit le lieu où tu te tiens :
Où aller, maintenant, dénué d’ombre, où aller ?
Monte. À tâtons, monte.
Te voilà plus ténu, plus méconnaissable, plus fin !
Plus fin : un fil
où l’étoile veut glisser et descendre :
pour nager en bas, tout en bas,
où elle se voit scintiller : dans la houle
des mots qui cheminent."
Paul Celan 
linked with Monday murals

11 commentaires:

  1. When I saw this, I thought "frenzied." Then I read the poem and asked why, when I go upstairs, I don't get thinner! This is one unique mural.

  2. The mural is intriguing ... I’d like to see an image of its surroundings.

    best... mae

  3. Sounds like a very conflicting poem I can see why it's being swept away by the elements. It's an unusual piece full of talent. We've only just started to have artists play around with blow up balloons in their murals but this is next level.

  4. Interesting style and fitting poem, too.

  5. I don't understand the poem. Maybe because of the translation. Does not matter, the painting is interesting

  6. The garbage bags almost seem like they're part of the vision... A very unique mural!

  7. The mural definitely matches the poem.

  8. A mural in movement.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Arnaud

  9. Que cette "houle des mots qui cheminent" est belle. Tu l'illustres parfaitement.

  10. L'œuvre photographiée saisit de façon extraordinaire ce qui est l'essence du mouvement. Formidable trouvaille, Arnaud.


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