jeudi 21 mars 2019

Nuages dans l'Azur

Caravanes de nuages
glissant dans l'Azur
Portez loin tous mes chagrins
(linked with skywatch friday)

15 commentaires:

  1. I am glad to hear it Kwarkito, beautiful blue skies 🌞

  2. Very evocative! I'm about six years old, sitting on the grass in front of the house on a perfect spring day. I can feel the sun, and see those same clouds. In the distance a small, single engine plane. Wow--- I just lost 69 years with one picture!

  3. Hello, love the pretty clouds and sky. Great capture. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  4. I love your big fluffy white clouds against your blue sky. Very nice shot.

  5. What a wonderful way to drive away your sorrows! Loved the pop corn caravan

  6. Comme dit la dame Deshoulières, "sept fois l'aimable printemps a fait reverdir les champs." Et que serait le printemps sans ses nuages ?

  7. Superbe caravane, puisse ton invocation se réaliser!


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