mardi 18 octobre 2011

Oups! Repéré...

je l'aime bien ce dessin là. Je ne sais plus trop de quand il date. Il m'évoque une anecdote concernant Kafka. Obligé de traverser les chambres de ses sœurs afin de se rendre dans la sienne, il leur disait pour s'excuser du trouble causé par son passage "Faites simplement comme si j'étais un rêve"...
première publication 18/10/2011 à 10:24 
Shared with friday face off

12 commentaires:

  1. The head looks like two facets. Very artistic

  2. Il est un peu cousin de l’état normal, dans sa démarche, mais celui ci est moins égaré, plus souple, il a manifestement quelque chose derrière la tête…

  3. I'm reminded of Native American folk art--- particularly in the desert Southwest.

  4. Cool face. It reminds me of some petroglyphs I have seen.

  5. Ohhhhhh..... I don't really care what he is doing, I love this guy. His shape and movement and of course his head and face. Would you mind if I used the impression for a clay figure? The bend in his body is brilliant. Let me know please. Thank you for sharing with FFO. Oh, I have had a request to show how to put a face on a bottle. I will do a step by step next week. Have a fabulous day today.

    1. Yes of course, if you want you can make a clay figure

  6. The reason I like it, because of the expression of the face. Like it saying "Not Now"
    I also took part in face off.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. How something that looks so simple can say so much ... this is brilliant! And I love the story behind it . He must have been a kind brother to be concerned about how his sisters felt :) As always, beautifully done ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. I was not just impressed by the story, but also by this beautiful art. IMPRESSIVE!


  9. He looks like he's in stealth mode.
    Very unique art.


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